This page houses degree + enrollment verifications, loan deferment, guides to maintain your personal records, and information on ordering your transcripts and diploma.
Benedictine University now offers an electronic transcript request fulfillment process. This process offers advanced security features and improved efficiency to meet our students’ and alumni needs.
Benedictine University provides a free diploma to each student after their graduation.
Benedictine University has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide enrollment verification certificates and degree verifications. The National Student Clearinghouse follows all federal privacy laws.
Benedictine University has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide degree verifications.
Follow these steps:
Most Verification Service requests are confirmed instantly as a PDF. When enrollment is not verified it is due to one of the following reasons:
These requests will be sent to Benedictine University for verification on the next business day and the National Student Clearinghouse will send you a notification when the PDF is available for download.
You may contact the National Student Clearinghouse by:
What is a Loan Deferment?
Benedictine University participates in the National Student Clearinghouse, located in Herndon, Virginia. Several times each academic term, the university submits a report of students’ enrollment status to the Clearinghouse which, in turn, supplies verifications of enrollment to loan servicing agencies.
We, along with most loan servicing organizations, participate in the Clearinghouse’s paperless deferment process. With this process, no paper forms need to be completed by either students or schools–the student simply calls his or her servicer to request a deferment. The servicer then posts a deferment to the student’s account after the student’s verbal order is matched against the Clearinghouse electronic data verifying in-school (at least half-time) status.
If your lender does not participate in this process and needs a deferment form completed, bring the form to the Office of the Registrar (or email a signed and scanned copy to [email protected] . Once our staff signs the form, we return it to the student who sends it to the Clearinghouse. They will confirm your enrollment has been sent to your lender.
Benedictine University does not provide this information directly to the lending agencies. If you registered late or had an exception processed to your term registration, this information may not be reported until our next Clearinghouse submission.
Please note, loan deferment is based on enrollment in classes. It is NOT based on graduation, taking an incomplete in a class, leave of absence from one’s program, nor pending the completion or defense of a masters/ doctoral thesis. Deferment eligibility stops when classes conclude or the day that a student drops below half-time student status.
If you receive a collection letter from a servicer, you should:
To change your current address or phone number:
Fill out the Change of Information Form and submit to [email protected] .
To change your name:
If you are changing your name, you must fill out the change of information form and submit it to our office. All name changes must be accompanied with a valid legal document for the name change (i.e. court document, marriage certificate, or divorce paperwork). Name changes after degree conferral will only be reflected on the transcript and not the diploma.