SEC Publishes Sample Comment Letter Highlighting the Need to Consider Climate Change Disclosures in SEC Filings

In late September, the staff of the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance published a sample comment letter relating to climate change disclosures. While the sample letter does not break new ground substantively, it underscores the SEC’s increasing focus on climate disclosures and its views more generally on the relevance to investors of climate-related risks. In this Alert, we discuss the sample comment letter and take-aways for public companies.

A Bit of Background – the SEC Turns up the Heat on Climate Disclosure

Since the change in administration, the SEC’s focus on climate disclosure has been increasing. In early February, Satyam Khanna was named Senior Policy Advisor for Climate and ESG to then- Acting Chair Allison Herren Lee. Later that month, Acting Chair Lee issued a Statement indicating she was directing the Division of Corporation Finance to enhance its focus on climate-related disclosure in public company filings. The Statement indicated that, as part of its enhanced focus in this area, the staff would (1) review the extent to which public companies are addressing the topics identified in the SEC’s 2010 climate risk guidance, (2) assess compliance with disclosure obligations under the federal securities laws, (3) engage with public companies on these issues and (4) absorb critical lessons on how the market is currently managing climate-related risks.

A few weeks later, in March, the SEC announced the establishment of an enforcement task force focused on climate and ESG issues. At inception, the task force had 22 members drawn from the SEC’s headquarters, regional offices and Division of Enforcement specialized units. In the announcement, the SEC indicated the Climate and ESG Task Force would develop initiatives to proactively identify ESG-related misconduct, with the initial focus on identifying any material gaps or misstatements in issuers’ disclosure of climate risks under existing rules.

In March, the SEC also launched a public consultation requesting input from investors, registrants and other market participants about whether current disclosures adequately inform investors about climate change. In the request, the SEC presented 15 questions, with sub-parts (approximately 50 questions in total). In the launch announcement, Acting Chair Lee indicated she was asking the staff to evaluate the SEC’s disclosure rules with an eye toward facilitating the disclosure of consistent, comparable and reliable information on climate change. Approximately 600 unique comment letters were submitted to the SEC by leading issuers, institutional investors, trade associations, NGOs and others. Ropes & Gray advised several clients on their comment letters.

Climate disclosure also is a priority area for Gary Gensler, since taking over as SEC Chair in April. In numerous speeches, he has discussed the need for a more robust climate disclosure regime. The SEC is working on proposed climate disclosure rules, which are expected to be released for comment later in 2021 or in early 2022.

The Sample Comment Letter

The sample comment letter follows the views expressed in the interpretive release on climate change disclosure published by the SEC in 2010, that existing disclosure requirements require at least consideration of climate-related disclosure. The 2010 guidance is discussed in our earlier Article here.

Risk Factors. The sample risk factor comments ask issuers to:

Management’s Discussion & Analysis. The MD&A comments included in the sample comment letter focus on the following areas: